Rules for the Writing Center

I sat with and trained a new hire for our center’s front desk position today. The time spent discussing and ushering her into the function and culture of the center reminded me the first time I stepped into our writing center, an outsider looking in. I've been working on formalizing and professionalizing our training and processes this year while still maintaining a zeal for brevity.

I think I've been able to draft a minimalist's set of rules for the writing center:
  1. Be kind.
  2. Be inquisitive.
  3. Be willing to do the hard work of curiosity: research.
  4. Be vigilant in listening.
  5. Be patient.
  6. Be firm and willing to redirect those people who seek to monopolize and take advantage of your time and kindness.
  7. Be consistent.
  8. Be loving.
  9. Be brave enough to critique yourself.